Guttering Styles New Guttering – Guttering Types and Common Choices

Guttering Styles – Common Types and Styles





Common styles : Half round , Square line , Ogee , Deepflow and Continuous

Guttering Styles

There are many different choices on the market today, I will point out a few different styles and point out any strengths or weakness’s as I see them. Most colours are available and many stockists will powder coat them on request to virtually and colour if required.

Matching into old Cast Iron

Quite often you find yourself joining onto a neighbouring properties gutter, whilst there are cast iron converters available in most cases sometimes it’s better to connect direct without a converter. This can especially true in the case of ‘Ogee’ where selecting a particular brand of Ogee can make this a simple task of bolting the gutter directly with some silicone and a roofing bolt.


Common gutter choices


Half round ’ The most popular profile, available in all colours and ‘cast iron effect’. Very long lasting profile and suitable for most household applications. No real negatives, the popular classic workhorse of guttering systems. W112mm x D52mm



Square line ’ A popular profile, available in all colours, the most popular being white. A modern profile suitable for most household applications and with slightly higher flow capacity than ‘half round’ but more prone to suffer from dripping joints. W114mm x D60mm



Ogee ’ Profile pronounced “Oh Ghee” This Style is FlowPlast’s own take on the Ogee style and has a very high flow rate as it’s the largest Ogee section. Not very good at matching into old terrace house cast iron guttering’s however. Great flow rate, most colours and ‘Cast Iron effect’. Slightly prone to leaking joints in later life. W110mm x 80mm This profile is called ‘Sovereign’ in Polypie’s guttering range.


Hunter’s own take on the Ogee style often used to match into old Cast Iron guttering on terrace houses because of the very close profile match. W130mm

Good flow rate, most colours, long lasting



Polypipe’s own take on the Ogee style often used to match into old Cast Iron guttering on terrace houses because of the very close profile match. Slightly larger than Hunters profile and with a great flow rate, long lasting but can be expensive in comparison to others. W130mm

Good flow rate, most colours


Deep flow ’ The clue is in the name, often overlooked because of the slight increase in cost but a fantastic gutter. If you have a large house or need of high capacity gutters this is a serious contender.

Very long lasting, superb flow rate, most colours and cast iron effect. w115mm x D75mm



flowPlast Industrial Range, super large 170mm profile, very high flow rates. Really good guttering unless subject to large impact. W170mm x D108mm

Black and Grey only to my knowledge from factory.




Continuous or Seamless Guttering

I’ve got to be honest, I really not a fan of this type of gutter for two main reasons. Firstly I’m always cleaning it out, it seems to block up more than any other guttering I’ve come across, and the internal strengthening bars make it hard to clean out as well. The other season is the lies told by the salesmen who fit it, read below.



Called continuous, joint less or seamless guttering, and often marketed on the main selling point that it doesn’t contain joints… Seems obvious. This it not true however because if you look closely everywhere there is either a corner, an outlet or stop end you will see a joint. ( hardly joint less )






Because it’s extruded on a continuous extrusion machine that bends the aluminium to the gutters profile, this machine cannot by design create angles, stops or outlets.

By far the worst feature of ALL continuous guttering is the lack of self cleaning due to non slip painted internal finish. We are often called to clean them out, and sometimes they actually have plants and weeds growing in them.

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